Sabtu, 13 Agustus 2011

Download PDF Drawn to Life: 20 Golden Years of Disney Master Classes: The Walt Stanchfield Lectures: 1 (Walt Stanchfield Lectures), by Walt Stanchfield

Download PDF Drawn to Life: 20 Golden Years of Disney Master Classes: The Walt Stanchfield Lectures: 1 (Walt Stanchfield Lectures), by Walt Stanchfield

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Drawn to Life: 20 Golden Years of Disney Master Classes: The Walt Stanchfield Lectures: 1 (Walt Stanchfield Lectures), by Walt Stanchfield

Drawn to Life: 20 Golden Years of Disney Master Classes: The Walt Stanchfield Lectures: 1 (Walt Stanchfield Lectures), by Walt Stanchfield

Drawn to Life: 20 Golden Years of Disney Master Classes: The Walt Stanchfield Lectures: 1 (Walt Stanchfield Lectures), by Walt Stanchfield

Download PDF Drawn to Life: 20 Golden Years of Disney Master Classes: The Walt Stanchfield Lectures: 1 (Walt Stanchfield Lectures), by Walt Stanchfield

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Drawn to Life: 20 Golden Years of Disney Master Classes: The Walt Stanchfield Lectures: 1 (Walt Stanchfield Lectures), by Walt Stanchfield


For nearly thirty years, the artists that passed through the gates of Disney Animation, and even non-artists like myself, were influenced by the craft, skill, wisdom, writings and sketches of Walt Stanchfield. Roy Disney Walt was a kind of Mark Twain for us at Disney. He always taught with humor and skill. You learned to see the world through his eyes. I remember him one day encouraging us to leap into our drawings with boldness and confidence, "Don't be afraid to make a mistake. We all have 10,000 bad drawings in us so the sooner you get them out the better!" Sitting in Walt's class was as much a psychology course as it was a drawing class. One couldn't help walk away with your mind and soul a little more open than when you entered. Glen Keane, Walt Disney Animation Studios Walt Stanchfield's classes and writings were little distillations of the man: quirky, strongly stated in a genial voice, and brimming with a lifetime of sharp observations about story telling and graphic communication. Whether he drew with a ball point pen or painted with a brush dipped in his coffee cup, he got to the essence of things and was eager to share what he learned to his eager disciples, myself among them. He was grizzled and he was great and proof that there was more than one Walt at the Disney Studio that could inspire a legion of artists. John Musker, Walt Disney Animation Studios Walt Stanchfield was one of Disney Animation's national treasures. His classes and notes have inspired countless animation artists, and his approach to drawing of caricature over reality, feeling over rote accuracy, and communication over photographic reproduction gets to the heart of what great animation is all about. Huzzah to Don Hahn for putting it all together for us! Eric Goldberg, Walt Disney Animation Studios During the Animation Renaissance of the 1990s, one of the Walt Disney Studio's best kept secrets was Walt Stanchfield. Once a week after work, this aged but agile figure jumped from drawing board to drawing board, patiently teaching us the principles behind the high baroque style of Walt Disney Animation drawing. Being in a room with Walt made you feel what it must have been like to have been taught by Don Graham. Having one of your life drawings be good enough to be reproduced in one of his little homemade weekly bulletins was akin to getting a Distinguished Service medal! Senior animators vied with trainees for that distinction. Tom Sito, Animator/Filmmaker/Author of Drawing The Line: The Untold Story of the Animation Unions from Bosko to Bart Simpson This exciting collection of master classes by the great teacher Walt Stanchfield is destined to become a classic on the order of Kimon Nicolaides' exploration of the drawing process. Stanchfield (1919-2000) inspired several generations of Disney animators and those of us outside the studio fortunate enough to happen upon dog-eared copies of his conversational notes, which we passed around like Leonardo's Codex Leicester. Stanchfield beautifully communicates the essence and joy of expressing ideas through the graphic line and accumulating a visual vocabulary. DRAWN TO LIFE is a treasure trove of cogent, valuable information for students, teachers and anyone who loves to draw. John Canemaker, NYU professor and Academy Award-winning animation filmmaker Walt Stanchfield, in his own unique way, taught so many of us about drawing, caricature, motion, acting and animation. Most important to me, was how Walt made you apply what you had observed in his life drawing class to your animation. Disney Animation is based on real life, and in that regard Walt Stanchfield's philosophy echoed Walt Disney's: 'We cannot caricature and animate anything convincingly until we study the real thing first.' Andreas Deja, Walt Disney Animation Studios Walt Stanchfield's renewed emphasis on draftsmanship at the Disney Studios transformed the seemingly moribund art of animation. His students were part of a renaissance with The Little Mermaid and Who Framed Roger Rabbit, a renaissance that continues with films ranging from The Iron Giant to Lilo and Stitch to Wall-E. Charles Solomon, Animation Historian I'm so grateful to Focal Press for publishing these fabulous Walt Stanchfield books. They are veritable 'gold dust' for the serious (and aspiring) animator! So 'hurrah' to Focal and 'hurrah' to Don Hahn to committing himself to compiling them. I ordered my copies the minute I saw them and will of course hope my students are smart enough to do so too! Tony White, DigiPen, Author of 'Animation: From Pencil to Pixels' and 'How to Make Animated Films'


Taschenbuch: 403 Seiten

Verlag: Butterworth Heinemann (23. April 2009)

Sprache: Englisch

ISBN-10: 0240810961

ISBN-13: 978-0240810966

Größe und/oder Gewicht:

27,4 x 21,3 x 2,5 cm

Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:

5.0 von 5 Sternen

4 Kundenrezensionen

Amazon Bestseller-Rang:

Nr. 44.808 in Fremdsprachige Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Fremdsprachige Bücher)

Dieses Buch ist absolut Fantastisch für den der mehr über das einführen der "Seele" in einer Zeichnung lernen will.Es ist kein Anleitungsbuch für Zeichenanfänger. Nichtsdestotrotz eignet es sich für alle diejenigen die weniger über das "richtige" Zeichnen, sondern mehr über das "echte " Zeichnen Lernen wollen.Der Moment in dem man aufhört die "Linien" zu sehen und den "Charakter" der Zeichnung wahr zu nehmen. Dafür ist dieses Buch gut geeignet.Man muss allerdings viel Lesen und sollte sich, wie in einem Lehrplan, ein Kapitel pro Woche abarbeiten und gute Fortschritte zu machen.Jeden Euro und Zeit Wert.

In diesem telefonbuchdicken Wälzer hat Don Hahn Skripte der Zeichenkurse, die Walt Stanchfield, ein langjähriger Disneyzeichner und seinem Schreibstil nach ein humorvoller Mensch, über mehrere Jahre für die neue Generationen von Disneyzeichnern abhielt, zusammengefasst. Darunter sind die Zeichner gewesen, die Filme wie Arielle, König der Löwen und Die Schöne und das Biest entstehen ließen und auch die Gründer von Pixar.Allein das ist schon mal ziemlich cool - dieselben Sachen lesen, wie die Leute, die diese großartigen Filme gemacht haben.Doch auch ansonsten ist das Buch für jeden der Interesse am Zeichnen, besonders von Comics und Animationsfilmen hat, Gold wert. Tipps, was man beachten muss, größtenteils unterstützt von Zeichnunen, und wie man sich verbessern kann. Ich habe immer gern gezeichnet, in den letzten Jahren allerdings sehr wenig. Nachdem ich das Buch angefangen hatte zu lesen, habe ich mir ein neues Skizzenbuch gekauft und sofort los gelegt, so sehr hat mich das Gelesene fasziniert. Daher kann ich es auch nur weiterempfehlen (und das obwohl ich noch nicht mal komplett durch bin, denn es ist wirklich SEHR dick!).

eines der besten "how to" bücher bzgl. zeichnen. vor allem weil es nicht wie die meißten "how to" bücher auf techniken eingeht und zeigt wie man in 3 leichten schritten eine eule malt, sondern eher über das mindset spricht das man haben sollte/muss um gute bilder zu produzieren - egal welches medium man nutzt - ganz klare kaufempfehlung!!!egal auch welches von den beiden Büchern......das hier ist ein wenig dicker also wenn man sich nur eins von beiden holt dann das hier

Drawn to Life gibt einen detailierten Einblick in das Arbeiten der Disneyzeichner. Wenn man das Buch zum ersten Mal durchblättert wird man feststellen, das extrem viel Text und eigentlich sehr wenige ZEichnungen existieren. Das liegt daran, das Zeichne rund Illustratoren mehr gedanklich arbeiten, und mit Konzepten zu tunhaben, als letztendlich mit der eigentlichen Zeichnarbeit. Es ist mehr ein Buch über die Hintergründe und Gedanken, die ein guter Zeichner sher schnell für seine eigenen Arbeiten umzusetzen weiß, als eine Bildershow.Also eine "wissenschaftliche" Erarbeitung des Zeichenstils - kein Nachmalbuch.

Drawn to Life: 20 Golden Years of Disney Master Classes: The Walt Stanchfield Lectures: 1 (Walt Stanchfield Lectures), by Walt Stanchfield PDF
Drawn to Life: 20 Golden Years of Disney Master Classes: The Walt Stanchfield Lectures: 1 (Walt Stanchfield Lectures), by Walt Stanchfield EPub
Drawn to Life: 20 Golden Years of Disney Master Classes: The Walt Stanchfield Lectures: 1 (Walt Stanchfield Lectures), by Walt Stanchfield Doc
Drawn to Life: 20 Golden Years of Disney Master Classes: The Walt Stanchfield Lectures: 1 (Walt Stanchfield Lectures), by Walt Stanchfield iBooks
Drawn to Life: 20 Golden Years of Disney Master Classes: The Walt Stanchfield Lectures: 1 (Walt Stanchfield Lectures), by Walt Stanchfield rtf
Drawn to Life: 20 Golden Years of Disney Master Classes: The Walt Stanchfield Lectures: 1 (Walt Stanchfield Lectures), by Walt Stanchfield Mobipocket
Drawn to Life: 20 Golden Years of Disney Master Classes: The Walt Stanchfield Lectures: 1 (Walt Stanchfield Lectures), by Walt Stanchfield Kindle

Drawn to Life: 20 Golden Years of Disney Master Classes: The Walt Stanchfield Lectures: 1 (Walt Stanchfield Lectures), by Walt Stanchfield PDF

Drawn to Life: 20 Golden Years of Disney Master Classes: The Walt Stanchfield Lectures: 1 (Walt Stanchfield Lectures), by Walt Stanchfield PDF

Drawn to Life: 20 Golden Years of Disney Master Classes: The Walt Stanchfield Lectures: 1 (Walt Stanchfield Lectures), by Walt Stanchfield PDF
Drawn to Life: 20 Golden Years of Disney Master Classes: The Walt Stanchfield Lectures: 1 (Walt Stanchfield Lectures), by Walt Stanchfield PDF

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